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Fort Wayne

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Indiana Part 2:  Timing is Everything (Fort Wayne)

August 27, 2019

Since the Tin Caps (the Single A team for the San Diego Padres) game started at 1, and we didn’t leave Indianapolis until after breakfast, we decided to forgo the frosting on this cupcake.  If we’d had more time and it hadn’t still been so ungodly hot, I probably would have suggested that we check out Castle Gallery or Brookside Mansion–I’m a sucker for classic architecture. 

Just what is a Tin Cap, anyway?  You might think it’s about a certain heartless character from the Wizard of Oz, but it’s actually a reference to John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed. Yes, he was a real person who wandered around the Midwest, planting apple trees. It’s unlikely that he wore a cooking pot as a hat, but it does make for a cute logo, right? 

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