Featured, Food, Indiana

Indiana Part 2:  Timing is Everything (Fort Wayne)

August 27, 2019

Since the Tin Caps (the Single A team for the San Diego Padres) game started at 1, and we didn’t leave Indianapolis until after breakfast, we decided to forgo the frosting on this cupcake.  If we’d had more time and it hadn’t still been so ungodly hot, I probably would have suggested that we check out Castle Gallery or Brookside Mansion–I’m a sucker for classic architecture. 

Just what is a Tin Cap, anyway?  You might think it’s about a certain heartless character from the Wizard of Oz, but it’s actually a reference to John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed. Yes, he was a real person who wandered around the Midwest, planting apple trees. It’s unlikely that he wore a cooking pot as a hat, but it does make for a cute logo, right? 

We were on the first base side at Parkview Field, which meant that we were in the shade.  Mr. Baseball Fan knows I HATE sitting in the sun, and always makes sure to buy tickets on the shady side of whatever stadium we go to.  

I asked him how he always knows exactly which side will be shady (because it is totally not in his nature to just cross his fingers on something like that), and he explained that he uses a website called SunCalc (there’s also an app for Android). In the menu on the left side of the page, you can type in any location and the date & time of day, and it will give you the position of the sun.  He checks to see which side of the stadium will have the sun behind it, and there you go. Shade. Genius. 

And yet, we still got sunburned. No, I don’t get it.  We. Were. In. The. Shade. (We also got sunburned while sitting under umbrellas at the Baseball Hall of Fame induction for Alan Trammell a few years ago. What can I say–it’s a gift, apparently.)

The Yum

I cannot BELIEVE I didn’t get a picture of our apple dumpling! Bad blogger! This shot is courtesy of The Fort Wayne Tin Caps and Minor League Promos Twitter account.

We split some tasty Pulled Pork Nachos, and then an Apple Dumpling.  I have to say, they don’t mess around when it comes to the apple desserts there. They also had apple pie bites with caramel sauce, and apple crisp. Yeah, there was other stuff, like cheesecake, but who cares about basic cheesecake when you can have a local treat? All the apple options looked tempting, but the Apple Dumpling (a la mode, of course) was heavenly. 

But it was SO hot.  After two hours, it was only the top of the fourth inning and the Tin Caps were down by 5 – 1. Mr. BF and I both felt like the Wicked Witch of the West after she ticked off Dorothy, so we decided to head out. 

Just as we got out of the stadium, we heard a roar from the crowd inside. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I heard a cheer that big. “There’s the winning run,” I joked, but as it turned out, I was right.  We left at just the wrong time, as the Tin Caps scored 6 runs in the bottom of the 4th inning, and ended up beating the Cedar Rapids Kernels 8 -7. At that point, though, all I cared about was the bliss of being in an air conditioned car, and heading home. 

Up next:  Mrs. Baseball Fan Gets a Phone Call

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