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Indiana Part 1:  Location, Location, Location (Indianapolis)

August 22, 2019

It’s the first half of a two-fer! Since Indianapolis and Fort Wayne are only a couple hours apart, and their respective teams were playing at home on back to back days, off we set on an already stiflingly hot Saturday morning. We drove to Indianapolis first, because it was farther away. We’ve found that we prefer to get the longer drive out of the way first. The drive home always seems to feel longer to us, so who wants to add to that?

Indianapolis is most famous for the Speedway, but racing isn’t my thing, so even if a race had been going on, I doubt I would have picked it. I know, I know–heresy! It’s the ultimate, iconic experience in that part of Indiana!  Absolutely, 100% true. Still not interested. 

#SoSueMe #CarRacingIsDull

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